Friday, November 29, 2019

Utilitarianism on extra marital sex Essay Example

Utilitarianism on extra marital sex Paper The negative association with sex outside of marriage arises due to the many consequences it could have; such as the broken trust that follows due to the violation of the vows taken inferno of God. With infidelity that has been committed by the women brings uncertainty on who the father is of any offspring this is frowned upon as men do not want to spend money and time on children that are not theirs. Also sex outside of marriage can also spread disease to the innocent which could cause physical and emotional pain. Utilitarianism only asks whether sexual behavior will cause harm or give pleasure: if, on balance, it produces more pleasure than harm, then its good. This isnt an excuse for wholesale rape and promiscuity; you have to think of your own pleasure, but also your partners and everybody else who would be affected. This is known as the harm principle and it rules out rape, adultery in most cases and other harmful, coercive or deceitful sexual behaviors. We will write a custom essay sample on Utilitarianism on extra marital sex specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Utilitarianism on extra marital sex specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Utilitarianism on extra marital sex specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Jeremy Bantams writings on the law of marriage are firmly based on the principle of utility, the greatest happiness principle, which asserts that all human actions are motivated by a wish to avoid pain and gain pleasure. Beneath placed sexual love, which he described as physical sire, in the category of self-regarding motives for human behavior, along with pecuniary interest, love of power, and self preservation. Therefore in the course of drafting a utilitarian law of marriage Beneath set out an explanation of the pleasures and pains of sexual love. His discussions led him far beyond the confines of legal marriage and into the realm of what would today be described as gender relations. These might be homosexual, heterosexual, monogamous or otherwise, within or outside of marriage. Bantams views on sex and the principle of utility are dad particularly clear when he writes about wives, prostitutes and mistresses, and it was in this context that Beneath made his radical suggestion for short-term marriages. Utilitarianism is seen as a liberal approach to sexual ethics and those who are liberal beings would believe this to be the best approach for them However it is still difficult in practice to measure if the pleasure outweighs the pain and who directly gets hurt. The utilitarian approach is too liberal and allows for the slippery slope effect to take place where anything could in affect be Justified by stating that he greatest happiness is being maximized. A Christian approach to extra marital sex such as natural law will have a more rigid and stricter approach. The majority of churches today follow biblical principles, encouraging marriage as the right environment for sex. The Roman Catholic Church gives clear teaching on this: every genital act must be within the framework of marriage. If people do not follow this then they do not reach their full potential and reach demimondaine. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden. This allows people to make clear decisions when considering pinion this is the best approach as since the sexual revolution of the sasss, Britain has witnessed increased numbers of teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Fixed moral and religious rules would have prevented these problems. Utilitarianism is not an appropriate approach to extra marital sex as it is too liberal and can allow the potential for abuse. Sex is a sacred activity which should take place in the commitment of marriage; during a marriage ceremony, Anglicans vow with my body I thee worship.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Some Tips Of Writing Good Death Penalty Essays

Some Tips Of Writing Good Death Penalty Essays A Complete Guide to Writing a Winning Death Penalty Essay Many students face the challenge of coming up with a good death penalty essay. This should not be the case since its only the topic that makes the work sound hard to tackle. My guide will enable you as a writer to come up with an appealing essay. I will provide diverse steps that will guide your essay and offer recommendations to ensure your work is professionally written, and, in the long run, attain a desirable grade. The first step towards writing a death penalty essay is to understand its meaning. According to the dictionary definition, death penalty refers to punishment by death for a crime that accords such a comprehensive punishment. Another way you can refer to the death penalty is capital punishment. Types of Death Penalty Essays To successfully write this type of paper, you should first understand what type of essay you will be tackling. For aspects such as analysis and examination of elements related to the death penalty, an analytical essay will be more appropriate. If you embark on an effort to convince a reader about an opinion you believe and stand with, a persuasive essay will be more prudent. For aspects such as evaluation or investigating the death penalty, you should apply an expository essay. An argumentative essay would be appropriate if you are to provide an argument about the death penalty, which you want to convince the reader that its more factual, truthful, and firm than any other stated argument within the same theme and context. Topics Relating to the Death Penalty Essay After deciding on the essay type to apply in writing the death penalty essay, the next step requires you to craft an interesting topic and thesis statement. Remember that the type of essay you will write will be a determination of your thesis statement (and main idea). Here are some relevant topics that you can use in writing a death penalty essay. The effectiveness of the death penalty in reducing crime rates The various Systems of the death penalty, and the order of effectiveness. How the death penalty provides a warning to criminals willing to commit murder. Is the death penalty fairly or unfairly applied? Thesis Statements on the Death Penalty Essay A thesis statement offers an outline of issues to be discussed on your death penalty essay for the readers to have a hint of what to expect as they go through your essay. Here are examples of thesis statements relating to a death penalty essay. Only countries with inhumane legal systems still use capital punishment which is outdated and primitive. Capital punishment only applies to criminals who have committed ghastly crimes. Countries that do not endorse this system are only pampering their criminals. The death penalty is a sure way of restraining people from committing horrific crimes The death penalty is not effective enough to restrain people from committing murder. There is no fair way of administering the death penalty and thus should be eliminated. The death penalty is effective enough to assure people that justice is being served. Reliable Sources for Death Penalty Essays After you have come up with the type of essay, main topic, and your thesis statement, you are required to find reliable sources that can either support or argue against your statement. It should not be hard to find such sources as they are available in different books, articles, or magazines that you can access online or in a library. It is a requirement to use sources that have been published within the last 3 years because any other source outside this time bracket will be too outdated to support your statement. Examples of sources for a death penalty essay include: An article on the death penalty from Wikipedia Be mindful that some education centers restrict the type of sources you can use, number of online sources that can be used, or even the colossal amount of sources that can be used in your essay. Some time back, Wikipedia was discouraged as a source of information when writing an essay. This is because professors realized that the content was not well controlled, as anyone could post any topic even without the relevant expertise. This prompted the editorial team of Wikipedia to step up and gain control of the content posted on their website. The information added to a particular article should be correctly cited from a credible source. This has recently made colleges withdraw the restrictions, and the source can now be utilized. An article on the death penalty from Google Scholar Google scholar is another reliable source for information regarding the death penalty essay. As a search engine, it offers a wide array of quality resources relating to all debatable issues; it provides an option of accessing resources, from scholarly articles, magazines, to books. Several of the books and articles are accessible for free; others only offer specified pages, as others require payment to access them. Additionally, you can access citations for the books and articles easily. An article on the death penalty from Encyclopedia Britannica As a highly recognized source, the Encyclopedia Britannica has improved from a 5.25 disc to a CD-ROM and DVD. Currently, you can access its online website and find tons of resources relating to your work. Citing Death Penalty Sources To achieve this, you must research and acquire recently written sources on the death penalty. Additionally, you should have a good understanding and knowledge relating to the citation of sources within your essay, and filling up a wells of citation methods include MLA – Modern Language Association, APA – American Psychology Association, or the Chicago, Turabian Style. Here are examples of sample works with sources used within the essay on death penalty along with the required entry for the bibliography. MLA Style: With a review of various denominations, each has its own view about the death penalty. For instance, approximately 69% of the Protestants support the death penalty. Moreover, 53% of the people with no specific religious association also support the death penalty (Son). Source format for bibliography or work cited: Son, M. The support and praise the death penalty receive from the American people. Legal Report, 201418(6), 67-85. Doi: 10.12940/jfb.2014.18.6.67 APA Style: Criticisms of executions under the confinements of capital punishment to administer justice face consequences of it being applied, when the defense rests its case on retribution. (Leotard, 2017) Source format for bibliography or work cited: Leotard Jean-Franà §ois, (2017) â€Å"Review of the death penalty as it is in America today.† Manchester University Press, pp. 23-49. Death Penalty Structure On this area, you are required to write an overview of that included the definition of the death penalty, how it is applied in law, and how many executions have been done in each state. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Death Penalty It is important to understand the pros and cons of the death penalty, as it will help you argue for, or against the subject. Through this, you will be able to provide valid points with relevance to your chosen topic. Also, you should narrate the reason for your opinion based on your moral gauge concerning such issues, or financial and logistical aspects associated with capital punishment. Global Perspective on the Death Penalty The death penalty stretches its point of view across every country, with no single standard perspective carried out by all the countries. Most western countries have eliminated capital punishment, with others taking necessary steps to achieve this. For instance, many states using the death penalty have limited its application to specific scopes. This act of law can not punish Children, the mentally ill, and the mentally disabled. Below are several countries and their status on the death penalty. The death penalty in America While reviewing the actions related to the death penalty in America, highlight its historical perspective, socio-political arguments for and against capital punishment, and the current stance of America on the death penalty. The death penalty in India When you examine capital punishment in India, be sure to highlight aspects such as the historical outlook, socio-political arguments for and against the penalty and India’s current stance on this issue. The death penalty in Australia While trying to gain information about capital punishment application in Australia, examine the issue from an ancient viewpoint, socio-political opinions that are for, and those against the death penalty, and their status as per now on the same issue. The death penalty in South Africa Similarly, you should examine this issue in South Africa accordingly, utilizing dynamics such as historical perspective, socio-political arguments against or for the death penalty, and the current standpoint of South Africa on capital punishment. Historical Outlook on the Death Penalty As you give a historical perspective about capital punishment for a specific country, apply issues that concern the social, legal, religious and political perspectives. The death penalty evolution can be traced from the fatal corporal punishment which the public would be physically involved in administering the punishment, to provoke fear to those with the intentions of committing offenses with a magnitude high enough to be awarded such a punishment. Social Judgment on the Death Penalty When you are required to give your opinion concerning this type of essay, most people believe you are supposed to advocate for, or against the death penalty. This way of thinking is influenced by the moral obligation and orientation we have on human life. However, the moral balance as to whether capital punishment is wrong or right is not yet clear. However, different sources argue their viewpoint using justifiable factual data, and you can use them to gain enough information that will help you weigh in your stance about it. Pros of the Death Penalty Sources that provide information on the benefits of capital punishment examine rates of repetition of an offense, the costs to be incurred if incarcerated, and the immediate execution of the offender. Most of the sources argue in line with financial and logistical aspects; thus you can utilize such information to come up with your own argument that relates to your perspective. Shortcomings of the Death Penalty You can find such information in resources that offer anti-death standpoints. They cover aspects such as wrongful executions, the cost estimate of a single execution, the lack of a deterrent effect even after the penalty has been applied several times, and the religious and moral orientation that argue against the death penalty. How effective is the Death Penalty? While arguing about this dynamic, first define the judicial system goals in administering punishments to offenders. Criminal punishments focus its impact on a specific defendant while serving society with related functions. These functions may be retribution, punishment, and deterrence. How well or bad the death penalty fulfills these three functions will determine how effective capital punishment is. Legalizing the Death Penalty Even though it is considered an effective form of punishment, its legalization or use should focus on consideration of questions other than its effectiveness. Your argument about this aspect should be technical or offer personal reasons that support or opposes the death penalty. After achieving this relevant conclusion can be drawn whether it is right to legalize or reject incorporation of the death penalty into the law. Death Penalty on Teenagers While discussing the issue of application of the death penalty on teenagers, consider the stance of different states on this issue. Most jurisdictions bar the application of this law on teenagers and young adults, while others grant it in relation to the degree of their offense. Studies do suggest that the teenage mind has not matured enough to fully comprehend the degree of the harm their actions cause to the general public or an individual. This begs for a debate on the legality and appropriateness of such a law towards people of such age. In your essay, you should base your argument on such dynamics to come up with a first-class death penalty essay. Death Penalty Essay Examples To gain perspective on how to write a competent death penalty essay, going through another student’s essay or a professionally written essay would prove to be of advantage. Sample essays will help you outline quality topics, thesis statements, arguments and correctly cite resources related to your topic. Utilize online resources to gain a sample death penalty essay that you can go through to help you come up with your original work. A point to remember: While writing a death penalty essay, there are various types of essays that can apply to this topic of discussion. The topic you choose should follow its specified outline template to ensure the work has structure and logic. The topic you choose has to address various aspects that this practice entails, and the arguments you put across should highlight a high level of authenticity, and backed up with reliable information to make it credible.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Overview of Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Overview of Theories - Essay Example By understanding the numerous theories, it thus becomes possible to understand the behavior of children. The discussion below is an over view of three vita theories that explain the cognitive development of children. The three include Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory, Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. Each of the three just as hinted above offers a varied view to the development of children. The discussion is therefore an over view of the three with the view of portraying the fundamental features of the theories and the ideas that each theory foster. By analyzing such, the discussion thus portrays the essence of the environment among other factors in the development of the children. The theory strives to explain the nature of knowledge. It explains the process of acquiring knowledge, its construction and subsequent use of knowledge in humans. The theory therefore portrays the fundamental factor that influence the definition of knowledge and the factors that influence the relevance of such. The theory asserts that children begin by understanding the world around them before experiencing the discrepancies that exist between their knowledge and the actual features of the environment as they interact with the people. The theory underscores the importance of language. It explains that language is a contingent on the process of cognitive development. The theory therefore explains the factors that influence the cognitive development of individual by explaining the development of children. The people that a child interacts with first influence the nature of their development. Such people as the family members influence the child’s understanding of the society. Furthermore, the theory provides language as a means of assessing the cognitive development of a child. Using language

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The struggle between fear and freedom of Eveline in Eveline by James Research Paper - 1

The struggle between fear and freedom of Eveline in Eveline by James Joyce - Research Paper Example The family, as a social group, seems to be one of the key themes that Joyce presents, in this story. This is evident when Eveline decides to stay back at home and assume a mother’s roles as a promise she made to her dying mother (Joyce 1). Additionally, death is also presented as a significant theme, in this story. Joyce illustrates that a number of Eveline’s family members and friends have died, and this is evident from symbolisms such as painting of Mary Margaret Alocoque, a French nun, and dust collecting around the house, giving the readers a sense of loneliness and death surrounding Eveline (Joyce 1). The author also presents several issues that made Eveline break the promises she made to her mother, and elope with Frank. One of the key reasons, why Eveline decided to run away from their home, is because they were poor, and money was a precious thing in her life. In the story, Eveline expresses her love for money when she holds her purse next to her body as if she was protecting her own life while walking to the market (Joyce 1). The author also illustrates her family’s poverty status when Eveline is perplexed by the leather seats Frank books at the theater. This is because she was used to seating on the back seats due to lack of money to afford better seats (McCarthy 58). Apparently, Eveline perceives Frank as a new and exciting lifestyle she had never had the opportunity to experience since she took a mother’s role after her mother’s death. Her new lifestyle appeared comfortable because of its stability, and Frank was something spontaneous and new, in her l ife. It is also apparent that Eveline is only a materialistic lady, and she is not so much in love with Frank. She is only interested in the new lifestyle that she is anticipating, and one that contradicts all that she had earlier known and experienced (Joyce 1). Eveline falters at the station when it was time for her and Frank to leave. She becomes frozen and unable to make the final

Monday, November 18, 2019

Appeal letter (defer standing) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Appeal letter (defer standing) - Essay Example She controls my credit card and has twice failed to give me money for my daily upkeep and tuition fees. As an international student, this affects my schoolwork as the stress of finding money to cater for tuition fees and daily life is very high. I did not perform very well in my last exams, thus she sent me back to china. However, through begging she gave me a second chance. On 30th December last year, I went to China to visit my folks. Unfortunately, my parents had already divorced and father was now living with his younger lover. The new relationship that my father was into was now over two years old. It was depressing that my father cheated on my mother before the divorce with this girl. Before my arrival in China, I thought everything could turn up well but contrary the opposite happened; I got more depressed. What was annoying is that father treated the new girl much better than my mother; he showered her with love and care. He also prepared food for the new girlfriend something I have never seen him do for my mother. This made my life more unbearable, anger and jealousy clouded my mind. China was now intolerable and at some moment felt like returning to Canada. However, going to Canada at that time could not be possible considering the intense and deteriorative relationship with my aunt. The divorce agreement of my parents saw my mother retain the house. However, her wages are low making it difficult for her to pay the rent while sustaining the family. My mother’s death only worsened the situation; it deeply affected me emotionally and psychologically. It is a miracle I stayed strong until now. Each day was a nightmare and concentrating with my academic revision was impossible. Many times my mind was clouded with things beyond my control, always thinking on how unfair life has become. Last year I was very serious with my academics, always reviewing my notes in time and reading ahead of the teacher. However, now I seem to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Step Brothers (2008) Analysis

Step Brothers (2008) Analysis Step Brothers (2008), directed by Adam McKay, is a raunchy, funny film for comedy audiences. It stars Will Ferrell and Jon C. Reilly as Brenan and Dale. These two single, and very juvenile, forty something, guys lives change once their parents, played by Oscar winning. Mary Steenbuge and Richard Jenkins, fall in love and get married. These two men become best of friends and brothers, as well as experience for the first time their struggles as adults for the first time. In this comedy though it is raunchy and stupid, offers a true message of unconditional love. Many critiques have both negative and positive feedback concerning this film. However, I think that this film is inappropriately hilarious and embraces the goof in all of us, in every charter in this story. In this movie, two middle -aged men in their forties, Dale, and Brenan, live together by force upon their parents marriage union. This takes place in present time in a normal American suburban family situation. These men are like overgrown teenagers eating cereal and nachos for breakfast, video games, no jobs and sponging off the benefit of each single parent. After becoming comfortable with the living arrangement and each other, Dale and Brenan become the best of friends. The plot twists as their adventures dont always take them in the same direction. Their parents want them to grow up and get jobs and move out so they can live their lives and travel on the boat. Dale becomes a talented chef and Brenan begins working for his younger brother, Derek and falling in love with his therapist. Brenans brother Derek is a jerk. He is spoiled and selfish and is mean to his wife, who also has a cheesy, dramatic affair with Dale in the movie. Ultimately in the end everything does work out for e veryone. I found this movie to be very funny and well worth the watch. It offers a level of adult humor on a juvenile twist for those audience members who can appreciate its silly raunchy humor. The epic scenes between the two brothers allows those of us with siblings to identify with some of the disagreements between the brothers. From the I am going to mess up your stuff aspect to the Ill kill you, I hate you situations, and all the hilarious sleep walking in between, the critics are somewhat divided about its overall ratings. Calvin Wilson (2008) from the St Louis Post Dispatch states, why result to gross-out tactics when your premise is strong enough to allow for a more sophisticated approach (para. 2). I feel he has a point but this was not the approach for this film. Wilson states that this is Bottom line, a crude but hilarious comedy (headline). Roger Ebert (2008) stated he did not agree on the critic websites. He said that the movie left him feeling unclean because of the raunchy humo r and adult situations and violence. His overall response was dont watch it on an airplane, dont check it out on cable, dont walk past the bargain basement bin where it is sold (para. 4). I can understand how both the critic and the website can feel this way as this kind of humor is not for every ones eyes and ears. The adult scene in the bathroom where the affair between Dereks wife and Dale is not very tasteful and does kind of leaving you feeling gross. I think it could have been left out. Quite frankly, the violence factor in the film is mild. The men are portrayed as overgrown teens and in my opinion do not behave any more violent to one another than teen brothers would be. The film just dramatized it and made it more on an adult level of humorous violence. Likewise, David Marchese (2014) for Rolling Stone Magazine shares common ground with his article titled, Finding the Dinosaur: A Step Brothers Appreciation. Marchese starts his piece by saying, Step Brothers, more and truer laughs than any other Ferrell and McKay movie (para.7). Whereas, Peter Bradshaw ( ), from the, doesnt feel the same, stating that this is another unashamedly juvenile comedy from the awe-inspired busy Judd Apatow production line (para. ). I agree the plot has a few flaws, because the audience doesnt know how these two men became the way they are while everyone seems to be normal functioning adults leaving some of the films elements farfetched, such as the affair with Dale and Dereks wife and the relationship with Brenan and his therapist in the end. The acting in Step Brothers is great and the critics do agree. Kyle Smith (2008) from the New York Post, agrees with my opinion saying There is too much funny here for a movie and further elaborates Step Brothers should be a TV show (review 1). The chemistry between Ferrell and Reilly is amazing. Will Ferrell plays Brenan whose mother is the one who married Dales father. Brenan is like a spoiled fourteen-year-old and John C Reilly plays Dale, another likeminded man acting like an overgrown fourteen-year-old. They are grown men and have the whole sibling rivalry scene to the point. When they get into the argument over whether or not Brenan touched Dales drum set leading to the scene where they try to bury each other alive in the yard and the face off in the front yard leaving each other knocked out while the mother is spraying them with the hose. You are left with a lot of laughter. If in fact, this movie could be constructed into a television show, many people will watch it. When Fer rell and Reilly do the sleepwalking scene, you can really believe the character. Putting couch pillows in the oven, dumping coffee all over and throwing coffee cups, walking around saying weird things like Hi Im Carol, and Carols on fire, I laugh still. Mary Steenburg who plays Brenans mother, Nancy Huff, is a tired woman. She gives the impression she is getting too old to be babysitting and really wants to get on with her life before time runs out. Richard Jenkins who plays Dales father, Robert Doback, is a professional doctor, who just wants to sail around the world with his wife and retire. Neither one of these two can do that because of their sons. This makes a big problem in the marriage and they start considering divorcing, but all is well in the end. The director chose to present the story in a way that most people in a mixed family would be able to relate to. I like the choice of angles the director used to capture the exact image of the funnier moments in the film. This allowed the audience to be right there in the scene. In the sleep walking scene for example, the lighting is set perfectly to show it is night time and it is late while everyone is sleeping. The angles and lighting capture the details that make these scenes funny by showing expression on the face[AW1], for example when they are sleeping after the sleep walking scene, dale is shown with mustard on his face and a piece of bread in his hand. Another way the characters were walking or jumping around, the camera shows emphasis on their legs when running or when talking you can see their facial expressions close up like the camera zoom, clearly to match the scene. Adam McKay is an American film director and producer. He was also head writer for Saturday Night Live for two seasons, Winston Cook-Wilson (2016), states in an article for Spin Magazine. that Step Brothers is, dramatically, and politically charged, Oscar worthy fare (Cook-Wilson). The costumes, lighting, and sets were enjoyable and amusing. In the beginning when Brenan and Dale met the scene is set at the afternoon in the front yard and they were both dressed like two fourteen-year-old kids with some old graphic t-shirts on and stupid haircuts. Other examples are when Dale and Brenan do the video of their new company Prestige Worldwide. It is a nice sunny day and they are on Dales fathers boat dressed in jackets and scarfs like wealthy people flaunting around like they are famous also, when they are shown being responsible adults at their jobs. Dale dressed in a professional chef uniform and Brenan in business clothes. These different scenes and sets are important to the movie. The good weather and sunshine keeps the atmosphere pleasant and happy for the audience. The different costumes allow you to visualize the scene and characters as intended. The music in the film has some catchy tunes and familiar with most American people. From Bonnie Rait, Guns N Roses, Hall and Oates, and The Mighty Mighty Bosstones there is a song everyone is going to know and sing along. The beginning tune kind of amps you up to laugh and gets you excited to watch the film. You just know it is going to be good. Guns N Roses and Bonnie Rait to very good playing musicians are used in this film. People are drawn to artists that they know. When Derek performed, the talent show scene with Ice Ice Baby, my friend knew it as soon as it came on and laughed. It was very popular in America in the 90s. In conclusion to my review I will admit that Step Brothers is not intended for all audiences. I would recommend Step Brothers to anyone needing a good laugh. This story will help you laugh at the funny stories of you and your own siblings or mixed family mergers. If you are a Ferrell and Reilly fan and appreciate the comedy from them, like the sleep walking scene or the music video for Prestige Worldwide, or havent had the opportunity you will want to see this film. If you dont find sibling rivalry like when they fight over the drum set or goofy and gross humor like licking the dog poop, that exceeds adult humor on a juvenile maturity level, then I would not suggest this film for you. References K. (2016,May 27). [Review of the film Step Brothers]. Cinemablend. Retired January 31, 2017. From http:// Step Brothers. Metacritic. Columbia Pictures, 25 July 2008. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Ebert, Roger. Step Brothers Movie Review Film Summary (2008) | Roger Ebert. All Content. N.p., 23 July 2008. Travers, Peter. Step Brothers. Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone, 07 Aug. 2008. Web. 30 Jan. 2017.Web. 30 Jan. 2017. McKay, A. (Director(. (2008). Step Brothers [DVD]. New York: Sony. 22, 2016 Winston Cook-Wilson// November, and Winston Cook-Wilson. Big Short Director Adam McKay Is Writing and Directing a Dick Cheney Movie. Spin. N.p., 22 Nov. 2016. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Wilson, Calvin. Step Brothers: B. N.p., 25 July 2008. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Bradshaw, Peter. Film Review: Step Brothers. The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 28 Aug. 2008. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. [AW1]

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Oppression in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Essay -- Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers A

Oppression in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Composed in three carefully rhymed stanzas, the poem can firstly seem an homage to the speaker’s skills in stitching a panel with tigers. However, a detailed reading reveals images and symbols that suggest a relation of oppression concerning Aunt Jennifer and her husband. The tigers of Aunt Jennifer’s stitchings are representative of her free spirit, how she pines for freedom from her burdensome husband. The â€Å"bright topaz denizens of green† evokes the mental image of majestic tigers not bound by the whims of another being. They do not â€Å"fear the men below the tree,† something that Aunt Jennifer cannot do in her miserable reality because of her oppressor’s looming presence. She produces her tigers under his control, represented by "The massive weight of Uncle's wedding band [that] / Sits heavily upon [her] hand." Physically a wedding ring is light, but this one has a "massive weight" heavily sitting on her hand. These images construct an opposition between the couple: as a woman she has a creative force, but her husband, represen...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Data Commentary Practice

GRP 5: KONG Chao, MAO Mao, ZHOU Tingting Figure 1 indicates the corresponding percentages of students’ correct answers to comprehension tasks at different thermal environment. According to it, we can tell that students' accuracy in answering questions changes when their environment gets hotter. As can be seen, they answered with higher accuracy at 23. 5? C, and kept the percentages of correct answers around 80%.A peak of approximate 85% was reached when the sessions went for 2 hours (120 minutes). Although during the first 1. 5 hours (90 minutes) students responded even more correctly at 20? C, the accuracy percentage then decreased to about 65% in the following time. As for situations at 27? C, it seemed that students showed a relatively lower degree of accuracy in the whole sessions, and the correct answers accounted for around 65% and never went beyond 70%.After this, another experiment was conducted with all factors staying the same, except a change in the tasks dealt from English comprehension to mathematics. Results are displayed in Figure 2. It’s easily to notice that at 23. 5? C students answered also around 80% questions correctly during the 3-hour math session, and performed better 2 hours (120 minutes) later at accuracy of 85%. However the highest accuracy in the first 1. 5 hours (90 minutes) was corresponding to the environment temperature setting at 20?C, and 85% it represented. With time passing, there were more and more wrong answers and the accordingly down-sloping trend of accuracy stopped at the end of the session, at approximate 75%, which were still 10% higher than the best correct answer percentage at 27? C students could get. The corresponding ratio of right answers began at 60%, then followed an increase and mounted at 65% 2 hours (120 minutes)later. Then it tended to drop slightly, and finally fell to 63%.From what have been observed in both Figure 1 and Figure 2, it is quite clearly that thermal environment do have an effe ct on students' performance. Moreover, what particularly noteworthy is that 23. 5? C proves to be better linked with a better performance on accuracy at the most time. This temperature ensures 80% of responses correct during a 3 hours (120 minutes) session, and even a higher percentage when matched with an appropriate session time setting less than 3 hours (180 minutes). For those sessions lasting for less than 2 hours (120 minutes), environment temperature of 20?C can also guarantee the same high percentage of accuracy, with shorter the lasting time, higher the percentage. Also another thing worthwhile noting is that 20? C clearly beats 23. 5? C when sessions are less than 1. 5 hours (90 minutes). In conclusion, higher performance may be achieved when classroom temperature ranging between 20 to 23. 5? C. Also limitations of the whole experiments exist, such as the weakness of experiment samples in representing the general students, considering they were all NUS students.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Yonanas Competitive Trends

Competitive Trends Each of these companies share a common target market with Yonana’s. This target market is a middle-aged adult who is trying to eat healthy, exercise more, and live an easier more efficient life. Product Competitors: Blendtec Blendtec is a company out of Orem, Utah that specializes in blending. They strive to achieve new and better ways of building machines that improve the quality of life as well as set new standards1. They started a YouTube channel called Will It Blend, which features their blenders blending up items such as IPhones, IPads, marbles, and even fun items such as a vuvuzela.Their blenders are extremely expensive, but are claimed to be the best blenders in the world. They range from 384. 95 all the way up to a hefty 1034. 95. You can find these blenders in-stores at Costco, Sam’s Club, Target, and Bed Bath & Beyond. Their online retailers include blendtec. com, amazon. com, QVC. com, and everythingkitchens. com. The parent company of Blen dtec is K-Tec who is a private company and does not release financial information. Magic BulletThe magic bullet is brought to you by Homeland Houseware, which specializes in creating household appliances that make life easier2. Homeland Houseware is a division of Alchemy Worldwide, which is a private company and does not release financial information4. The magic bullet is used a handheld product chopper, whether you’re chopping onions for dinner, or fruit for an in-between meal snack. The price range on magic bullets vary from 49. 99 to 65. 99 depending on where you are shopping.The stores that the magic bullet can be found in are Macy’s, Target, Walmart, and Bed Bath & Beyond. Online retailers include buythebullet. com, amazon. com, buy. com, and QVC. com. Cuisinart Frozen Yogurt & Ice Cream Makers Cuisinart is a company based out of Stamford, Connecticut. They were founded in 1971 and are owned by Conair6. They claim that innovative culinary tools are their signature 3. They hold many prestigious design awards for many different types of items. They carry 4 different models of their frozen yogurt and ice cream makers.The prices range from 59. 95 to 299. 00 depending on which model is chosen. Frozen Yogurt and Ice Cream Makers can be found in stores at Kohl’s, Lowe’s, and Target. Their online retailers include Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond, Belk, Bloomingdales, Cooking. com, JCP, Sears, Macy’s, HSN, and many more. Zoku Zoku is a private group of individuals who like to design things that again, make life easier. Their competitive advantage is that they have intelligent designing and engineering. Their patented Quick Pop Maker freezes different flavors of juice into a Popsicle.They have 10 different product categories, which include the Quick Pop Maker, Duo Pop maker, Zoku tools, Zoku storage, recipe books, sets of Zoku sticks, and a few others. Their online retailers include Sears, Bed Bath & Beyond, Macy’s, Newegg, and Wa lmart. The prices of their Quick Pop Maker range from 24. 95 to 49. 95 depending on where you shop. JJ Snack Foods JJ Snack Foods is a public manufacturing company out of Pennsauken, New Jersey. They are sold in snack bars and food stands in chain and department stores, as well as convenience and discount stores.The products they sell are Pretzels, ICEE frozen treats, churros, funnel cakes, cookies, Italian ice, and frozen juice bars made from real fruit. JJ Snack Foods is a competitor because they take sales away from Healthy Foods with the sale of their frozen juice bars. They were founded in 1971. This company posts quarterly annual reports on their website and grossed a quarterly amount of 23,326. 00 from April 2012-June 20128. They also post annual reports, in which states that total sales for 2011 were 744,071. 009.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Culture of Voting essays

The Culture of Voting essays "The Culture of Voting" There are a number of different places where people go to vote. The places change from town to town and so do the numbers of places. Where I live everybody goes to vote at the town hall. The town, where I live is small enough that it only needs one voting location. On Tuesday, November 2, the day of the elections, our town hall was very busy. All day it was filled with people who had come to vote. Outside the town hall on the street corners, were a small group of people holding signs that were telling you who to vote for. Everyone could see them standing there as they came to vote. On the front steps where everybody was walking in and out were a few businessmen in their suits standing and talking to each other. While everybody was waiting in line in the entryway, there was a display for them to look at on how to vote correctly on the ballot. In the main room there were five tables set up alphabetically by last name. The town hall is an old building, but the inside was recently restored. The voting space is in the large auditorium a big room with a balcony, a gleaming, polished wooden floor, and a small stage at one end. The recently painted walls shined in the morning sun pouring through the oversized windows. The only decoration on the walls were wooden and brass plaques listing the names of town residents who fought in each war of the past two hundred years. The room smelled of fresh sunshine and new paint. The room temperature was just right not too hot or too cold. The air was filled with the noisy expectation of who would become the next president. Long folding tables were scattered around the room filled with ballots, books and voter registration materials. Four rows of voting booths were set up in the middle of the hall. There were ten booths in each row. Red, white and blue striped curtains provided the brightest colors in the room and provided ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

PEMEX Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

PEMEX - Coursework Example The company comprises of four subsidiary entities that practices production, exploration, commercialization and transformation activities for natural gas and oil in the local and international markets (Blowfield, 2013; p. 67). The company also conducts refinery of crude oil and supplies petrochemicals on top of conducting business overseas via PMI Comercio Internacional. This paper explores the sustainability of the company in the global business with major focus on environmental sustenance and economic stability. The country has positioned to provide assurance of the distribution of primary energy products and has therefore input to considerable change and growth in Mexico. In order to guarantee that the company would proceed to contribute significantly to the development of the nation, the company created a business plan in 2010 where the strategies were approved. The government aims to transform and recognize the company as an efficient, safe, modern, profitable, sustainable, transparent and modern firm is set forward. Through the organization the government has established a business plan which is the result of an attempt to focus on the fundamental plans that deal with the major aspects integral to describe the course and objectives of the organization. The business plan can be summarized by the diagram below. In satisfying the company’s and government’s objectives the company has recognized four routes of actions with various specific strategies. These include the growth, corporate responsibility, efficiency and management modernization (Lourdes, 2012; p. 3). The society has so much expectations and attitudes towards the organization and its contribution to sustainability. As a major element of achievement, the society expects that the government through the company to transparently comprehend the effect of their activities at the economic, social and ecological

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Social Media Effect On Teenagers Annotated Bibliography

Social Media Effect On Teenagers - Annotated Bibliography Example Why youth (heart) social network sites: The role of networked publics in teenage social life. MacArthur Foundation series on digital learning–Youth, identity, and digital media volume, 119-142. Retrieved from This is a report documenting a comprehensive research on social networking peer-based sociality. The author evaluates the effects of social networking in relation to teenage identity and status. He also compares social networking interactions with face-to-face public life.Butler, M. G. I. (2010). Online social networking and the impact on well-being: implications for school counselors. Retrieved from This author reviews recent literature on online social networking and its psychological impact on teenagers. The article identifies and discusses cyber bullying a nd sexting as the greatest negative effects of online social networking on teenagers.Dinakar, K., Jones, B., Havasi, C., Lieberman, H., & Picard, R. (2012). Common sense reasoning for detection, prevention, and mitigation of cyber bullying. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems. Retrieved from This article focuses on cyber bullying as a negative effect of social networking sites and its effect on healthy interpersonal relationships in teenagers.